Tag Archives: Scales

My hips don’t lie…

I just came across this artical which came at a good time for me personally, when perhaps i needed a strong word of fact, when I have been kidding myself a tad with fiction! 

How to stop living and dying by the numbers on the scale:

“…Results then can either make or break the effort dial. If we see results, we’ll turn up the dial. If we don’t see results when we want to, the first thing we want to do is turn down the effort dial.

Here is what I can assure you of:

Your body and my body never lie. We can think we’re fooling ourselves. We can think we’re fooling our coach or Body Tutor.

But like every basket counts toward the final score in a basketball game, whether it’s scored in the first 25 seconds of the game or the last 25 – every thing we eat counts — even if no one sees it. Our body never lies.

Individually, each meal and snack we eat might not seem like they matter much but collectively they matter IMMENSELY. This is about the accrued power of thousands of meals and hundreds of workouts.

The amount of effort we put forth really does matter.

Whether it’s exercising for an extra five minutes or pushing through an intense moment of discomfort when we have a craving — every feeling of fatigue, and every period of discomfort we push through, really and truly makes a difference.

Results will happen. It’s not a question of if. It’s a question of when.

Our body has no choice but to work its magic when we’re eating right and exercising *consistently*!…”


The original artical can be found here: http://www.fitocracy.com/knowledge/how-to-stop-living-and-dying-by-the-numbers-on-the-scale/



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